READING 2 Dì a quale di queste quattro giovani celebrit si riferiscono le seguenti affermazioni. Celeb SCHOOL REPORTS Robert Pattinson My reports were always pretty bad. I never did my homework and teachers said I didn t try very hard. I got expelled from my school when I was 12. I was quite bad! Sara Choudhry My reports were usually OK, but I wasn t the best at school. My teachers told me to concentrate more on my studies than on my mates. I was easily distracted by my friends, but I loved school and I did OK out of it. Kenzie My school reports weren t so amazing or impressive. Looking back at my school years, I feel a bit of regret because I didn t behave well. That s why now I encourage everyone to be good at school. Lucas Grabeel The other kids at school didn t like me because they thought I just wanted to draw attention to myself. I was very determined as I am now and I did everything in and out of school: choir, drama, musicals. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 was expelled from school always had bad reports sang in a choir has regrets was distracted by friends was well determined didn t behave well loved school didn t do homework Robert Pattinson ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... ........................................................................... USEFUL WORDS to behave = comportarsi; choir = coro; to draw attention = attirare l attenzione; regret = rimpianto; report = pagella. 66 week seven