LISTENING 3 Ascolta il CD e completa l oroscopo con gli aggettivi che sentirai. VIRGO (August 22nd September 23rd) SAGITTARIUS (November 23rd December 22nd) You have the planet Saturn in your sign and you are going through a reorganization process: perhaps you feel less (1) , but you ll have surprises. You ll need to be extra (5) with friends, family and boy/girlfriend! Something could irritate you, but you ll get through. LIBRA (September 24th October 23rd) CAPRICORN (December 23rd January 20th) An (2) gift can come and you will have lots of support from your family and friends. You are really (3) ! SCORPIO (October 24th November 22nd) Spend time with your gang and plan things to do together. But try not to be too (4) of someone: it won t be constructive. You can change your mind about something or someone, so be (6) and try to learn to see things differently. AQUARIUS (January 21st February 19th) You ll have a lot of opportunities. Keep focused on school and studies: you can have good results if you pay attention. You ll have more (7) work. ASTRO TIPS PISCES (February 20th March 20th) GEMINI (May 22nd June 21st) Life is one big party now, there s so much fun to have with mates! Just be yourself and have a (8) time. ARIES (March 21st April 20th) Your relationship with your mum and dad needs your care and attention; be (9) and caring with them and spend some time together. Sometimes you tend to forget what is important. Remember what your priorities are and don t be distracted by silly things. Be (11) ! CANCER (June 22nd July 23rd) Your friends are there for you and they will also bring a lot of chances for you. Possible (12) meetings. TAURUS (April 21st May 21st) You are looking great! Pay attention to your clothes and take care of your body. Do some exercise and eat (10) food. LEO (July 24th August 23rd) Be yourself and make things happen. It s time for exploration and adventures. Be (13) and imaginative. USEFUL WORDS care = attenzione, premura; caring = attento, premuroso; chance = occasione; exercise = esercizio fisico, ginnastica; gift = regalo; to keep focused = tenersi concentrato; to get through = riuscire a superare; open-minded = di larghe vedute; understanding = comprensione. A kids mag 67