WRITING 5 Immagina di essere un consulente della rivista che risponde alle lettere che i ragazzi scrivono per esporre i loro problemi. Leggi queste lettere inserisci le parole mancanti. R E T UT MY ST Y! MISER A PROBLEM m nd sad! I a y p p a h n , but SHARED I feel so u e seaside th t a y a d d o li o o g h Dear Paul, n a o having is that I m not I think these silly fellows problem y M . e r e th f o summ ls gir (1) keep on making fun of you, if they know ys and fun e k a some bo m h (2) get nervous and feel embarrassed. the beac etimes m group at o s I e Next time they laugh at you again, (3) be afraid ecaus of me b when I m y ll a i c e sp only but try to react. stutter, ous. I m i x n a r o ry You (4) laugh with them or try to explain how nervous shy: eve y r e v d n , I get twelve a gh at me d I you feel. When you come back home, ask (5 ) u la y e d an time th parents to take you to the doctor s to solve your problem. barrasse m e d lp e n a H ! o d red to Let me know how things go and write to me again! ow what ! e c don t kn i v d a d some me! I nee r, Devon m Exete Paul fro SAD H OLS My pare nts don t want me out with to go my frie nds in evening. the They say Dear Sarah, I m too y and they o u ng d on t kno I think your parents are worried w this n group I ew me you may get (6) know I m et at the beach . I thirteen but the y trouble. Why don t you ask them e a r s o ld, se frie to (7) to the other parents. They can listen to teenagers like m nds are all e and ve Their pa ry nice. rents let other ideas (8) learn about the plan for the them go they usu o ut an ally go to next evening out. Besides you could promise you (9) w the cinem d alk arou a or nd the come back home early and decide the town ce How can n tre I convin time with them. It s important for them to feel they and da ce my m . d? Next u m Tuesday having a (10) trust you! Good luck! th e y are pi I d like so zza all together and much to go! Sarah USEFUL WORDS , from H astings, East Sus sex to be afraid of = aver paura di; fellow = persona (colloquiale); hols = (abbreviazione di holidays) vacanze; to laugh = ridere; to make fun of = prendere in giro; shy = timido; to stutter = balbettare; to trust someone = aver fiducia in qualcuno. A kids mag 69