WRITING T I M E TA B L E 6 Osserva il timetable di una giornata di Laura al college durante la sua vacanza studio. Scrivi le domande appropriate alle risposte e viceversa. Usa il present simple. M O N DAY Morning 8.00 9.00-10.30 10.30-11.00 11.00-12.30 Breakfast Lessons Break Lessons Evening Afternoon 12.30-1.30 1.30-2.00 3.00-5.30 6.00 Lunch Free Time Afternoon activity: City tour/sports Arrival at the college time does Laura have breakfast? What 1 2 When does she finish her lessons? 3 4 5 6 7 8 7 6.30-7.30 7.30-9.00 9.00-10.30 10.30 Dinner Free Time Evening activity: Games/Cinema Bed time She has breakfast at eight o clock. Yes, she has a break from 10.30 to 11.00 a.m. She has lunch from 12.30 to 1.30. An afternoon activity: she can play some sports or visit a town. When does she come back at the college? No, she doesn t. She has dinner before, at 6.30. Does she have any free time during the day? What does she usually do in the evening? Coniuga le forme verbali di questa breve descrizione delle attività che Laura sta facendo in questi giorni. Usa il present continuous. This week Laura (0) is attending (attend) her lessons on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday mornings, but she (1).................................. (study) in the afternoon on Thursday and Friday. She (2).................................. (do) a lot of activities in this study-holiday. Laura and her new friends (3).................................. (sightsee) some towns near Torquay and they (4).................................. (go) to the beach. She (5).................................. (not play) tennis because she doesn t like it, but she (6).................................. (run) in the park of the college and she (7).................................. (swim) in the pool. In the evenings she (8).................................. (have) a good time with her group at the disco or at the cinema! People and places 9