E X T E N S I O N THE GLOBE Mrs Greene and Mrs Todd meet in the street on a market day. Mrs Todd: Good morning, Mrs Greene. How are you? Mrs Greene: Good morning, dear! I m in a hurry today. At ten we must take the boat to Shoreditch1! Mrs Todd: Are you going to the theatre? Mrs Greene: Yes, to The Globe, to watch a comedy by Shakespeare. Mrs Todd: That s his theatre, I mean The Globe. Mrs Greene: Ah, it s a lovely octagonal building, you know. When you sit in the galleries, you have a perfect view of the stage and can hear everything the actors say! Mrs Todd: What if it rains? Mrs Greene: That s a problem because there s no roof2 in the middle. But we are in the galleries Mrs Todd: How much is the Inside the Globe. ticket there? Mrs Greene: Two pence. You spend only one penny if you stand in the pit3, but it s not so comfortable and the company is vulgar, not for ladies like you and me! Mrs Todd: What s the comedy about? Mrs Greene: They say it s a funny romantic comedy with a lot of magic, fairies and elves But I ll tell you tomorrow! Mrs Todd: Good bye and have fun4! 1. Shoreditch: place full of theatres, on the right bank of the Thames, outside the City wall. 2. roof: the covering on top of a building. 3. pit: the ground floor of a theatre. 4. have fun: enjoy yourself. 33