4 A great confusion Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Complete the following summary with the words below. quarrels refuses friend reveals lovers juice fairies servant unfortunately magic It is night. Two young ....................................., Hermia and Lysander, are in the ........................................... wood near Athens. They are running away because Hermia ...................................... to marry Demetrius and obey her father. Only Helena, Hermia s .............................................., knows their secret. She has a strong passion for Demetrius and .............................................. Hermia s plan to him. Elves and ............................................ with their Queen Titania and King Oberon live in the wood. There are frequent ...................................... over a boy between Titania and Oberon, so he decides to punish his wife. He orders Puck, his ..................................................., to go and find a magic flower and pour its ................................................. on Titania s eyes. Then he orders Puck to use the juice on Demetrius. ..................................................... Puck mistakes Lysander for Demetrius, so when Lysander wakes up, he falls in love with Helena. 2 Can you put the words in the correct category? fairy spaniel citizen flower owl elf gentleman bush puck ivy lady VEGETABLE 3 ANIMAL HUMAN What sound does each animal make? a. b. c. d. e. f. g. dog owl lion donkey/ass bird cat horse c c c c c c c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. neigh chirp miaow bark roar hoot bray 47 SUPERNATURAL