1 The price of disobedience Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Tick what you know about Greece. a. Greece is situated on the ............................... sea. c Baltic c Caspian c Mediterranean b. Its capital is c Sparta 2 c Olympia c. The place of the famous games is c Delphi c Corynth c Olympia d. The ancient Greek gods lived on c Mount Olympus c Mount Ararat c Mount Amiata Underline the word which is different in each group. a. b. c. d. 3 c Athens husband, cousin, wife, marriage son, daughter, mother, fiancé father, uncle, godmother, grandparents grandmother, nephew, niece, aunt Match the adjectives with their opposites. a. b. c. d. e. f. patient quick serious sweet young happy c c c c c c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. bitter unhappy old impatient slow merry The Acropolis in 480 B.C. (watercolour by P. Connolly, 1998) 7