6 A new dream begins Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Look at the picture on page 73 and answer the following questions. a. b. c. d. e. f. 2 Who is the woman? .................................................................................................... Is she a mortal? ............................................................................................................... Who is the donkey-man? .......................................................................................... Why has he got a donkey s head? ...................................................................... Why is he in the wood? ........................................................................................... Why are the two together? .................................................................................... What is the opposite of the following verbs? stay cry hate stand up start wake up go a. sleep b. run c. come d. sit down e. stop f. laugh g. love 3 ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. ............................................................. Match the beginning of the sentence with its conclusion. a. Demetrius goes into the wood c 1. when Puck plays a trick on him. b. Hermia must give her answer c 2. because she refuses to give him the boy. c. Puck makes a mistake c 3. and Helena follows him. d. Oberon punishes Titania c 4. love the first thing that they see when they wake up. e. Nick becomes a monster c 5. on Theseus wedding day. f. The magic juice makes people c 6. so Lysander changes his feelings. 72