SUMMING-UP ACTIVITIES THE PLOT 1 Listen to the summary of the story and complete it with the words in the box below. mistake play flower juice young to marry wedding continued desperately Athens spaniel charm assistant complex sad ass-headed married The magic wood near ........................................ was the meeting place of four ........................................... people: Hermia, who was in love with Lysander and wanted ........................................ him; Demetrius, who wanted to marry Hermia with her father s consent, and Helena who was .............................................. in love with him and followed him like a ........................................ . To punish his wife Titania s obstinacy, Oberon sent his ........................................ Puck to look for a magic ........................................ . Then he poured its ........................................ on Titania s eyes, Puck poured it on Lysander s eyes. It was a ........................................ because Lysander fell in love with Helena. The situation became more ........................................ when Demetrius, too, fell in love with Helena. Poor Hermia was very .............................................. and Titania fell in love with a ......................................... creature, an Athenian artisan who was acting in a ........................................ . In the end Oberon freed all from the ........................................, but not Demetrius, who .................................... to love Helena. Hermia regained Lysander s love and the four got ........................................ on the day of Theseus ........................................ with Hippolyta. THE CHARACTERS 2 Who are the following characters? Add details not present in the passage above. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. Hermia s father is ............................................................................................................ Titania is ............................................................................................................................... Oberon is ............................................................................................................................ Theseus is ............................................................................................................................ Hippolita is .......................................................................................................................... Puck is ................................................................................................................................... The Athenian artisan s name is .............................................................................. 86