A PASSAGE FOR ACTING (Act III, Scene 2) Puck puts things right (6 characters) Oberon orders Puck to put remedy to his negligence: he caused both Lysander and Demetrius to fall in love with Helena. Now the boys are ready to fight for her. Oberon: The boys are looking for a place to fight, So hurry, my Puck, make dark the night And with fog cover the starry sky. Lead the hot lovers from each other away, Make your voice sound like Lysander s And with hard words insult Demetrius; Sometimes like Demetrius speak you so That each of them will always go Until they re tired and fall asleep. This liquor Into Lysander s eyes pour to cancel your error. Puck: My fairy lord, this I will do with haste1 cause night s dragons are cutting the clouds fast And Aurora s star will soon announce the dawn2. (Oberon moves away and Puck sings) Up and down, up and down, I will lead them up and down. I am feared in field and town, Goblin3, lead them up and down! Here comes one. (Enter Lysander) Lysander: Where are you, proud4 Demetrius? Speak now. Puck: Here, villain5, ready to fight. Where are you? Lysander: I ll be there in a moment. Puck: Follow me then to an open place! (Enter Demetrius) Demetrius: Lysander, speak again. You, coward6, have you run away? Speak, are you hiding in a bush? Puck: You say you want a fight, but where are you? Come out, coward. Where are you? Demetrius: Yeah, are you there? Puck: Follow my voice. Here we cannot test our courage. (Enter Lysander) Lysander: He continues to challenge7 me, But when I come where he calls, he is gone. I followed him fast, but faster did he go; Here I will take some rest. (Lies down) 1. 2. 3. 4. haste: speed dawn: sunrise Goblin: evil spirit proud: arrogant 5. villain: bad person 6. coward: a person that does not have the courage to do things 7. challenge: provoke 89