The First Spirit 2 BEFORE READING Chapter 1 make predictions and circle the correct answer. a. Scrooge will meet three spirits because each represents a different thing: 1. past / man / happiness, 2. present / woman / sadness, 3. future / child / violence. b. The spirits will arrive at Scrooge s house through the window / on a broom / through the door. c. Scrooge will be happy / frightened / sad when he sees them. d. Together, the spirits and Scrooge will eat / fly / go shopping. e. Scrooge will tell no one / everybody / someone of his strange encounters. 2 make predictions and answer the following questions briefly. a. Will the first spirit be a male or a female? ................................................................................................................................................... b. What will the first spirit look like? ................................................................................................................................................... c. What will the first spirit wear? ................................................................................................................................................... d. What will the first spirit show Scrooge? ................................................................................................................................................... e. How will Scrooge react after the visit of the first spirit? ................................................................................................................................................... 3 Where, when and in what weather conditions do spirits tend to appear? Circle the most common and add one more. PLACE TIME WEATHER castles night sunny restaurants midday rainy old houses Easter cold museums birthday hot flats morning wet swimming-pools summer snowy 19