E X T Before Testatina E N s I O N VICTORIAN TIMES the victorian era, which went from 1837 to 1901 (Queen victoria s reign1), was a period of rapid economic expansion, great technological progress and social reforms; but also a period characterised by poverty, injustice and social protest. great Britain expanded its empire2 all over the world and new machines that totally changed the factory system were invented. parliament passed many laws that reformed the electoral and education systems and tried to improve3 working conditions. But rapid industrialisation reduced the number of workers and created more poor people. it also attracted many workers from the countryside to the cities, but didn t provide4 healthy5 or suitable6 houses, schools or workplaces. the poor and orphans lived in public workhouses or worked in factories where the working hours, hygienic conditions and pay were inhuman. this co-existence of riches, progress and capitalism with poverty, ignorance and injustice is known as the victorian compromise. 1. reign: period of rule over a country by a king or a queen. 2. Empire: group of countries governed by one country. 3. improve: make better. 4. provide: give. 5. healthy: helping to produce good health, the condition of being well and not ill. 6. suitable: appropriate. 30