E X T Before Testatina E N s I O N SHORT STORIES A short story is a work of fiction in the form of a narrative; it is not too long and transmits just a single message. it is a work of fiction because it talks about imaginary people and events. it is usually in the form of a narrative because it is written in prose1 and deals with2 the telling of a series of events. it is not too long because it is generally between 1,000 and 10/15,000 words. it transmits just a single message because there isn t enough time or space to analyse more than one idea, theme, character or action. its main features3 are: characters: there are few, their presentation is immediate, and they are not too deeply4 analysed; setting: it is well-defined but without many descriptions; there is only one location and the time span5 is limited; plot6: there is only one main plot, which is usually presented in medias res , that is, in the middle of the action (when the action is in, or it is reaching7, its climax8). A copy of A Christmas Carol with a dedication by the author. 1. prose: normal written language that is not poetry. 2. deals with: has as its subject. 3. features: characteristics. 4. deeply: very much. 5. span: period. 6. plot: series of events which form the story of a short story, novel or film. 7. reaching: arriving at. 8. climax: the most exciting or the most important part of an event. 56