5 The End of It Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Complete the crossword puzzle using words from the following chapter. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1. Made a low sound, like animals do, to show anger. 2. Drops of liquid from your eyes. 3. Large bird kept on farms and eaten at Christmas and at Thanksgiving in the US. 4. Friendliness and happiness. 5. State of being happy and pleased. 6. Made the sounds that show that you are happy or amused. 2 7. Man who has people working for him as servants in his house. 8. Pleasantly fat. 9. Touched gently with the hand to show friendship. 10. Shapes that are caused by being between the light and a surface. 11. Taxi. 12. Corrections. Answer the following questions using short answers. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. Will Scrooge wake up in his bed? ......................................................................... Will Scrooge go and visit Fred and his wife? ................................................... Will the spirits come and say goodbye to Scrooge? .................................. Will Scrooge help Bob Cratchit and his family? ............................................ Will Scrooge become a good man? ..................................................................... Will Scrooge close his office forever? ................................................................. Will it be Christmas Day when Scrooge wakes up? ................................... Will Scrooge like Christmas from now on? .................................................... Will Jacob Marley come back to visit Scrooge? ............................................ Will Scrooge be horrible to his clerk Bob Cratchit? .................................. Will Tiny Tim die? ............................................................................................................ 57