E X T E N s I O N FILMOGRAPHY many directors have made a film or cartoon of A Christmas Carol. the reasons are that: - it is an easy and effective1 story; - its message is clear and immediate; - it happens at Christmas, an important time for many people; - it has a touch of the supernatural, which always helps to create interest. Here is a list of some of the most famous cinema and television versions: Scrooge or Marley s Ghost (1901), the first British adaptation of Dickens s story. it is in black and white; it lasts six and a half minutes and is represented in twelve scenes. Considering that it is more than 100 years old, it already has impressive special effects for example, Jacob marley s face appears on the knocker. A Christmas Carol (1938), an American version for families. For this reason, it does not show some episodes, for example: the sad ghosts that fly outside Scrooge s window; his fiancée that leaves him; the two children that hide under the ghost of Christmas present s mantle or the three thieves that steal from Scrooge s house after he is dead. Scrooge (1951), re-titled A Christmas Carol in the u.S.A, starred Alastair Sim as ebenezer Scrooge. it wasn t appreciated very much when it came out, but now it is considered a classic. 1. effective: impressive and real, true. 67