s u m m I N G - u P ac T I v I T I E s WorKing on tHe teXt 1 Complete the summary of the story using the following sentences. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. but he sends them away because their creditor is dead who wants to celebrate Christmas and help as many people as he can together with his family and a very poor dinner he grew up as a solitary boy because he was more interested in money decides to change his life he refuses his nephew s invitation to dinner who warns him about the dangers of his behaviour what will happen when he dies On Christmas Eve, Scrooge is in his office with his clerk, working. Two gentlemen come in to ask him for some money for the poor, 1. .............., then he also sends away a boy who wants to sing him a carol, and finally 2. .............. . At home, he receives the visit of his old business partner, Jacob Marley, now a ghost, 3. .............. and who tells him that three spirits will come to visit him. The Ghost of Christmas Past shows Scrooge different scenes from his past: how 4. .............., how he started working happily for his old boss, how his girlfriend left him 5. .............. and how he didn t care for his friend Marley on his deathbed. The Ghost of Christmas Present shows Scrooge how other people celebrate their Christmas: Bob Cratchit 6. .............., Fred and his wife with their friends playing and having fun, many unknown people with their friends and relatives, all happy and joyous to be together. The Ghost of Christmas Future shows Scrooge 7. ..............: some will steal his possessions, others will be happy 8. .............., many will be indifferent and Tiny Tim will die. At the end of the story, Scrooge 9. ............... He becomes a good man, who has learnt his lessons from the three spirits and 10. .............. . 69