1 The Knight s Tale Tale BEFORE READING 1 The story so far. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words. At the Tabard Inn, a ......................... in Southwark, near London, the narrator joins a ......................... of twenty-nine pilgrims.The pilgrims, like the narrator, are travelling to the ......................... of the martyr Saint Thomas Becket in Canterbury. The ........................., whose name is Harry Bailey, suggests that the ......................... ride together and entertain one another with stories. He decides that each pilgrim will tell two ......................... on the way to Canterbury and two on the way back.The best storyteller will receive a ......................... at Bailey s tavern, paid for by the other pilgrims.The pilgrims draw ......................... and determine that the Knight will tell the first tale. 2 Answer the following questions. a. Do you know where Thebes is? b. Have you ever heard about the legend of Theseus? Can you tell it in your own words? c. Which do you think the values of chivalry are? 3 Match each word with its definition/synonym. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. rule heal miserable weak fate tournament shake in vain sorrowfully 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Not strong A competition for teams or single players Agitate Very sadly Unsuccessfully Unhappy and depressed What happens to a person Govern Cure Theseus returning in triumph (W. Goble, 1912-Eon Images) 26