The Wife of Bath: Prologue and Tale 3 BEFORE READING 7 1 Tale The story so far. Listen to the recording and fill in the blanks. The Miller concluded his tale and everybody (1)................................. at what happened to John, (2)................................. and the gallant Nicholas. Only the Reeve was not (3)..................................... with it, and soon started telling his tale, which was about a (4)................................. Miller. The Cook appreciated his tale and asked the Host (5)................................. to tell his own tale. The Man of Law then came, narrating his long tale about a (6).................. ........................... . The Host was really satisfied by this and encouraged the (7)......................................... to tell the next one, but the Parson reproached him for swearing, and they started (8)................................. about unimportant things. Then the Wife of Bath (9)................................. her tale 2 Do you remember what you read about the Wife of Bath in the Prologue? Write down a few lines describing her physical appearance and personality. .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................................................................... 3 You will find these words in The Wife of Bath s Prologue. Match the words in the first column to their definitions in the second one. a. b. c. d. e. f. submissive affair guilty grief wicked smacked 1. Secret relationship 2. Very bad 3. Great sadness 4. Obedient 5. Responsible for something bad 6. Hit with the inside of the hand Illustration by J. Laurence, The Folio Society (1998) 51