INTRODUCTION Chaucer s times Chaucer lived in a time of incredible tension in English society. The Black Death, ravaging1 England during Chaucer s childhood and remaining widespread afterwards, killed from thirty to fifty percent of the population. As a consequence, the labour force gained2 increased influence and was able to ask for better pay. This led to resentment from the nobles and propertied classes3, who received another blow in 1381, when the peasantry4, helped by the artisan class, revolted against them. The merchants were also increasing their power over the legal establishment, as the Hundred Years War created profit for England. Consequently, demand for luxury5 was growing. When Chaucer was growing up, London was governed by an oligarchy of merchants, attempting6 to control both the aristocracy and the artisan classes. 1. ravaging: causing great damage to. 2. gained: acquired. 3. propertied classes: people owning vast areas of land. 4. peasantry: people farming the land. 5. luxury: very great comfort and pleasure. 6. attempting: trying. The Black Death (The Toggengurg Bible, 1411) 6