5 The Pardoner s Tale Tale BEFORE READING 1 The story so far. Reorder the following paragraphs. I preach that money is the root of all evil, but I love money so much! People give me their money, I sell them pardons, and they are happy. After that he started his tale. I will be glad to tell my tale, but let us eat and drink before I start it. The Pardoner then told the company how he made money by selling people old things, which they believed to be relics of saints, and by forgiving their sins in the name of God, but only after they had paid him. He then concluded saying, The Host was disappointed by the tragic injustice of the Physician s Tale and asked the Pardoner to tell something merry. The other pilgrims contradicted the Host, demanding a moral tale.The Pardoner agreed and said, When the Merchant had concluded his tale, the Host prayed God to help him not to marry a wife like the one the Merchant had described. He then asked the Squire to say something about his favourite subject, love. After the Squire, the Franklin and the Physician told their tales. 2 Answer the following questions. a. b. c. d. 3 Do you think the Pardoner is a good or a bad person? Why? Does he really believe in what he preaches? Was it common during the Middle Ages to pay to receive pardons? What do you think Chaucer s attitude towards this character is? The main characters in The Pardoner s Tale are three revellers . Guess what this word means and circle the right option. Then check your answer on page 75. a. People who go around and destroy things. b. Men who like dancing, drinking, gambling, etc. in public in a noisy way. c. People who steal money and gold. A priest holding a pardon (14th c.) 74