S U M M I N G - U P AC T I V I T I E S WORKING ON THE TEXT 1 Answer the following questions. a. Why are the pilgrims going to Canterbury? b. Which pilgrim carries a brooch inscribed with Latin words meaning Love Conquers All ? c. Who marries Emily in The Knight s Tale? d. What is The Wife of Bath s Prologue about? e. According to the Wife of Bath, what do women most desire? f. Which tale includes a blind man? g. Who are the three men searching for in The Pardoner s Tale? h. Who is branded by a red-hot poker in The Miller s Tale? i. Which of the following tales is a fabliau? The Knight s Tale The Wife of Bath s Tale The Miller s Tale j. Why does the Pardoner upset the Host? 2 Complete the following summaries. General Prologue At the Tabard Inn, a tavern in Southwark, London, the narrator joins a company of (1)................................... pilgrims. The pilgrims, like the narrator, are travelling to the shrine of (2)........................................ in Canterbury. The (3)............................. suggests that the group ride together and entertain each other with (4)................................ . He decides that each pilgrim will tell (5)................................ stories on the way to Canterbury and two on the way back. The best storyteller will receive a (6)............................. at Bailey s tavern as a prize. The pilgrims (7)............................. and decide that the Knight will tell the first tale. The Knight s Tale (8).................................., Duke of Athens, imprisons Arcite and Palamon, two knights from Thebes. From their (9)............................. , the knights see and fall in love with Theseus (10).........................., Emily. Arcite is freed, but banished from (11)........................................ . He returns as a servant and becomes Emily s (12).............................. . Palamon escapes from prison, the two meet and fight over Emily. Theseus arranges a (13)............................ between the two knights, with Emily as the prize. (14).......................... wins, but is accidentally thrown from his horse and dies. (15).......................... marries Emily. 86