TheTheHappy Prince Devoted Friend 1 Tale 3 I In a little cottage there is an honest little man. His name is Hans. Every day he works in his garden. His garden is beautiful. There are all kinds of flowers. Little Hans has a kind heart and has a lot of friends. His best friend is big Hugh. Hugh is a rich miller2. He visits little Hans garden and takes flowers, sweet herbs, plums and cherries and brings them home. Real friends have things in common , the miller says. The rich miller never gives and always takes, but Hans is happy and listens to the miller. The miller speaks about real and true friendship and he talks very well. The winter is difficult for Hans because there is no fruit or flowers. He cannot sell at the market and has no money. He sometimes has some pears or nuts for dinner. And he is alone3 because the miller never visits him. I can t go to Hans now the miller says to his wife, because when people have problems, visitors can disturb. I m sure that I m right. So I ll wait for the spring and then I ll visit Hans. He can give me a large basket of flowers then. You re certainly very altruistic4 , the wife says. But we can invite little Hans for dinner, says the miller s son. If poor Hans has problems, I can give him my food. What a silly5 boy you are! the miller says. Hans can t come here! He hasn t got a nice warm house or a good 1. devoted friend: a friend that has great affection and is loyal. 3. alone: on his own. 4. altruistic: not selfish. 5. silly: not practical. 2. miller: a person that has a mill 33