E X T E N S I O N FRIENDSHIP 1 Test your friendship quotient. You can find your score1 at the bottom of the page. YES NO 1. Friends are necessary in life. 2. Do you and your friends have interests in common? 3. Do you accept your friends as they are? 4. Are you ready to risk a bad mark at school for a friend? 5. Do you answer a friend s text messages immediately? 6. Do you know your friends families? 7. Do you tell a friend your problems? 2 Translate these expressions about friendship into your language. Use a dictionary, if necessary. a. A friend in need is a friend indeed3. ........................................................................................................................................................... b. Friends are the flowers in the garden of life. ........................................................................................................................................................... c. True friendship is a plant of slow growth4. ........................................................................................................................................................... d. A friend is a person that says nice things about you behind your back. ........................................................................................................................................................... f. Friends are those rare5 people that ask How are you? and are then interested in your answer. ........................................................................................................................................................... Friendship test YES c 7-10 = You have a strong friendship quotient! Your friends love you and you will have friendships that will last for a very long time. YES c 4-6 = You don t have a very strong friendship quotient but perhaps you only need to trust other people and yourself more. YES c 0- 3 = You have a weak friendship quotient! Your friendships can t last for a long time. Don t see the others as enemies! Be more helpful and kind. 1. score: points. 2. keep: maintain. 3. indeed: really, certainly. 4. growth: the process of becoming bigger or taller. 5. rare: not very common. 44