The The Happy Remarkable Prince Rocket 1 Tale 4 T The King wants to organize a big celebration for his son s marriage2 to a Russian Princess. There is a big banquet, dances and at midnight there is a show of fireworks3. The little Princess does not know what fireworks are; so she asks the Prince, What are fireworks? They are like4 the Aurora Borealis5. They are lovely. You must see them! In the King s garden there is a great stand6 of fireworks. The Royal Pyrotechnist7 prepares the midnight show for the Princess. Then he goes away and the fireworks start to talk The world is certainly very beautiful, a little Fire Balloon8 says. The King s garden is not the world, a big Roman Candle answers. The world is the place that you love, a Catherine Wheel9 says. Ahem!10 Ahem! They all turn their heads. There is a tall Rocket. He is fixed to the end of a long stick11. He always coughs to attract attention. 1. remarkable: extraordinary. 2. marriage: the ceremony where two people become husband and wife. 3. firework: small object containing powder that explodes or burns and produces colours and a loud noise. 4. are like: are similar to. 5. Aurora Borealis: irregular, luminous phenomena visible at night in areas that surround the north magnetic pole. 6. stand: a small stall or an area where you can see products. 7. pyrotechnist: a specialist in fireworks. 8. Fire Balloon: a balloon that contains fireworks and that explodes high in the air. 9. Catherine Wheel: disegno di una girandola. 10. ahem!: sound made to attract attention. 11. stick: a thin piece of wood. 46