E X T E N S I O N GUY FAWKES Guy Fawkes (or Bonfire1 Night) is an annual celebration on the 5th November. It celebrates the failure2 of the Gunpowder3 Plot4 in 1605. With this plot, some Catholics want to destroy the Houses of Parliament in London. They also want to kill King James I. Guy Fawkes is a leader in this plot. In the United Kingdom, there are private and public celebrations in towns and villages. The construction of bonfires is an important part of the celebration. There are also very beautiful firework displays5. People traditionally burn Guys on the bonfires. The Guys are dolls6 that represent Guy Fawkes. In the week before the celebration, English children sit in the streets and show the Guy . They have a box next to it and they ask for a penny for the Guy . In this way, they collect money and can buy fireworks for the celebration. 1. bonfire: large outdoor fire. 2. failure: not a success. 3. gunpowder: explosive powder used in bombs. 4. plot: secret plan. 5. displays: shows, exhibitions. 6. dolls: puppets, marionettes, small replicas of a human being. 56