S U M M I N G - U P AC T I V I T I E S 1 One of the following definitions of the story is not appropriate. Tick it off. a. The Scarlet Letter is about love and adventure. b. The Scarlet Letter is about crime and punishment. c. The Scarlet Letter is about the contrast between personal feelings and strict social requirements. d. The Scarlet Letter is a story about love, hate and revenge. 2 Night and day, forest and town take on a symbolical meaning in the novel. What do they represent? Think of what happens and of what is said in relation to these times and places and fill in the table below. WHAT DO THEY REPRESENT? night day forest town 3 Listen to a model summary of the story, take notes and then write your own summary. 4 What do you think the message of Hawthorne s novel is? Prepare a short speech for your schoolmates. You can use the following points as a guide. Key sentence I think / In my opinion Hawthorne ...................................... 1st argument If we consider the characters, we can ................................. First ................................................ Second ............................................... 2nd argument In addition, with regard to the setting of the novel, Hawthorne .......................................................................................................................... Conclusion So, to conclude / to sum up ........................................................... 106