E X T E N S I O N THE NATIVE AMERICANS IN PURITAN NEW ENGLAND The Puritans settlers that arrived in the Massachusetts Bay Colony in the mid-17th century wanted to create the society of the Pure in the New World. However, they found that the creation of their perfect society was more difficult than expected. The New World was already inhabited by Native Americans and each of their tribes had their own culture, political structure, and religion. The Puritans saw these Native American peoples as heathens1 and savages2 and thought it was their duty to bring Christianity to them. So their main objective when interacting with the Native Americans was to convert them to Christianity, or more specifically, to the Puritan form of Christianity. Native American religion was Shamanistic in form and was largely based on nature. According to the Native Americans, all aspects of nature possessed a single spirit or life force and they worshipped3 Mother Earth, believing that humans had to live in harmony with Her. The central idea of Puritan religion that the power of God comes from the Word of the Bible was particularly difficult for the Native Americans to understand, as they did not have any written language. However, in many cases cross-cultural4 interactions generated a mixture of the two cultures: Native Americans sometimes adopted the Christian God together with their own Gods. 1. heathens: people who have no religion or who believe in a religion that is not one of the world s main religions (Christianity, Judaism or Islam). 2. savages: people with no civilization. 3. worshipped: loved and adored. 4. cross-cultural: from one culture to another. 70
      Extension: The native Americans in Puritan New England