6 Conclusion Chapter BEFORE READING 1 What do you think will happen to Reverend Dimmesdale? Underline the alternatives that seem more likely to you. a. The citizens of Boston will discover his sin because c he will confess it. c Chillingworth will reveal it. b. The citizens of Boston will not discover his sin because c he will die with his secret. c he will leave Boston. 2 What about Chillingworth? Underline the alternatives that seem more likely to you. a. In the end, he will take his revenge and c kill Dimmesdale. c keep Dimmesdale in his power. b. In the end, he won t be able to take his revenge, because c Dimmesdale will confess his sin to the community. c Dimmesdale will leave Boston. 3 Tick the picture you think shows the ending to the story. 88