S U M M I N G - U P AC T I V I T I E S WORKING ON THE TEXT 1 Which of the five stories deals with the topics below? a. A hunter goes hunting a family of lions that devoured his ox. b. A mother stays up all night to catch a snake which is hiding somewhere inside her house in the bush. c. A missionary goes up north to convert a tribe of American Indians. d. A native girl goes back to her people and religion because she feels betrayed by the Christian missionaries. e. Two white men working in a trading station in Africa are maddened by their isolation and deprivation and finally turn on each other. 2 In which story did you find these characters? a. An old native woman rescued during a fever epidemic. .................................... b. A boy eager to help his mother. .................................... c. An Englishman travelling in the East to write a book on his experiences. .................................... d. A black man who sells black workers as slaves in exchange for ivory. .................................... e. A big black dog with yellow eyes. .................................... f. A man who left for Africa in search of a tribe of white people. .................................... g. The wife of an Anglican Chaplain. .................................... h. A man who drops a boy into the rapids of a river. .................................... i. Two men who read famous novels for the first time in Africa. ....................................... j. A lazy young man who slept all the time. .................................... 3 Who said these sentences? a. How can the white man who died thousands of moons ago in a far country save the red man of today? .................................... 102