3 The Drover s Wife Story BEFORE READING 1 This story is set in the Australian bush1. What do you know about the bush? Answer the true/false questions. T F a. In Australia the term bush includes both the desert c c and wooded areas. b. It is also used to mean any part of the country untouched by men and therefore uncivilised . c c c. The Australian indigenous population, the Aborigines, c c cleared much of the bush. d. Many plants and animals of the bush are unique c c and native to Australia. e. White colonisers preferred to settle in the bush rather c c than on the coast. 2 Think about the context of the story and choose the right definition for drover. a. Someone whose job is to drive trucks. b. Someone who moves sheep or cows from one place to another. c. Someone who drives public transport (taxis, buses or coaches). 3 Match the following words with their definitions. You will find them in the story. a. squatter c 1. A long, thin break in a floor or wall. b. shanty c 2. An Australian colonist who occupies Crown land to breed sheep. c. undergrowth c 3. A large flat piece of wood. d. slab c 4. A small, roughly-built hut. e. bark c 5. Small trees, bushes and other plants growing around and under big trees. f. crack c 6. The outer covering of a tree. 1. bush: wild country that has not been cleared, especially in Australia or Africa. 47