4 Long Odds Story BEFORE READING 1 Look at the title. What does long odds mean? Choose from the following options (they all refer to betting on horse racing). a. Low numbers that show a low risk of losing. b. High numbers that show a high risk of losing. c. Average numbers that show a moderate risk of losing. 2 What do you think the story is about? a. A risky, adventurous event. b. A romantic love story. c. A ghost or horror story. 3 The story is set in colonial South Africa. What do you know about this country? Choose from the options below. a. To its north lie Tanzania, Zambia,Angola / Namibia, Botswana, Zimbabwe. b. About 40 / 80 % of the population is of black African ancestry. c. Two of its 11 official languages are of European origin (Afrikaans and English / German and English); all the others are Arabic / Bantu languages. d. English is the first / fifth most spoken language. e. South Africa was first discovered by the Dutch / Portuguese. f. The first Europeans to settle were Dutch / British. g. The Boer settlers were of Dutch, Flemish, German and French / French, Scandinavian and British origin. h. The indigenous population belongs to the ethnic groups of Tutsi and Yoruba / Xhosa and Zulu. i. The Boers and British competed in that area because it was rich in gold and diamonds / ivory and gum. j. South Africa was notorious for apartheid , which means: an institutionalised system of segregation / slavery. Imperial propaganda (c. 1899). 66