A Man, a Famine and a Heathen Boy Story BEFORE READING 1 5 The story is set in Athabasca, an area located north-east of Edmonton in the province of Alberta (Canada), marked red below. Add the following places to the map. Quebec Arctic Ocean Ontario Atlantic Ocean North Pole Hudson Bay Montreal British Columbia Pacific Ocean Toronto 2 Choose the right definition for these two words from the title: famine = heathen = c hunger c religious c lack of food c Christian c lack of water c pagan 3 You will find some French words used in the story. Why do you think the author uses them? 4 Match the French words with their meaning a. poudre c 1. On the way, travelling. b. avoirdupois c 2. Licensed fur traders in 18th century North America. c. en route c 3. Weight of a person or heaviness. d. voyageurs c 4. Elevated hut for food storage or the food inside. e. cache c 5. Snow powder. 86