E X T E n S i o n COMPLEX PERSONALITIES antonio is the merchant of venice whose contract leads to trial against Shylock. He is an eminent venetian and a christian, a man who has made his fortune trading1 with distant countries (north Africa, northern europe, the east) and who has risked everything in his most recent enterprises. He is proud and self confident, highly considered by the Duke himself; he is at home, and therefore feels he has a right to despise2 Shylock, a man who lends money with interest3. Antonio s feelings for Bassanio are ambiguous: he repeatedly speaks of love for the young man, but he has been unable to direct him to a wiser course4 of life, as a good father should do. bassanio has in fact wasted the fortune his father left him and has often asked Antonio for sums of money. in his defence, we must say that he shows constant affection and respect for Antonio, especially during the trial. Antonio, in turn, is ready to put his life in danger to help Bassanio. Shylock s personality is easier to understand. He is an outcast5, forced to live in the ghetto in cannaregio (according to a decree of 1527) and to distinguish himself by wearing a round yellow6 symbol on his tunic. As he is a usurer, the christian merchants criticize him and his people, insult him, spit on his tunic and kick him and yet he over Europe. Their religion, in fact, admitted interest on loans to nonIsraelites. 4. course: way. 5. outcast: rejected by society. 6. yellow: this was the colour of madness and crime in the Middle Ages. 1. trading: doing business. 2. despise: have a poor opinion (of). 3. interest: as Christians could not lend money with interest (from 1179 they were excommunicated if they did so), Jews, who were barred from many activities, became money-lenders all 44