1 A great challenge Chapter BEFORE READING 1 What do you know about venice? tick the appropriate answers. a. Where is Venice situated? In central Italy In southern Italy In north-eastern Italy b. What is Venice also known as? La Serenissima La Bella La Fiera c. What is typical of Venice? Avenues Canals Squares d. What is Venice famous for? Gondolas Pigeons Bridges e. Which is the heart of Venice? The Arsenal Piazza San Marco The Rialto f. What was the head of the state called in the past? Prince Doge Magnifico 2 insert the correct word choosing among the following. Crete East Europe maritime Mediterranean metals military spices Venice was an important (1)............................ republic. It controlled commerce from the (2)......................................... and had important (3).......................................... bases in the (4)..................................... sea, like Cyprus and (5)................................... . Venetian merchants sent (6)............................................... and silk to England and northern (7).......................................... and imported (8)........................................ like gold, silver and lead. 3 match each word in the first column with its opposite in the second. a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. living weep departure shut sad credit lend quickly 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. debt happy borrow slowly arrival dead laugh open 6