S u m m i n g - u P ac T i V i T i E S WorKing on tHe teXt 1 complete the summary with one of the words given below. attempt avoid Belmont business calls cleared up court disguised flesh heavy interest lend money-lender poor suit Bassanio, a noble but (1) ......................................Venetian, needs three thousand ducats to go to Belmont and (2) ....................................... the rich heiress Portia. His friend Antonio can t (3) ......................................... him the sum because his money is all invested in (4) ....................................... enterprises abroad. So he borrows the money from Shylock, the (5) ......................................... . Shylock refuses to take (6) ....................................... but wants instead a pound of Antonio s (7) ................................................ if he cannot repay the sum after three months. Bassanio is lucky in his (8) ........................................... and, having selected the lead casket, wins Portia s hand. Antonio has (9) .......................................... losses at sea and is unable to pay Shylock, who (10) ....................................... him to Court. The trial is long and complex, but Portia, (11) ......................................... as doctor Balthazar from Rome, successfully defends Antonio and saves his life. Shylock is accused of having made an (12) ....................................... on the life of a Venetian citizen, his possessions are confiscated and, to (13) ................................................ death, he is forced to become a Christian. After the trial, Portia, Bassanio, Antonio and their friends re-unite at (14) ................................................... where Jessica, Shylock s rebel daughter, and her husband Lorenzo are waiting for them. All misunderstandings are (15) ................................................ and the various couples can at last begin their married lives. 2 now listen to the recording of the summary and check if you have completed it correctly. 88