PRACTICE TEST 1 Paper 1 - READING AND WRITING Part 1 Short messages ADVICE Underline the important parts in the text. Eliminate the sentences (A, B or C) which really do not match the text. The texts will be short emails, texts, notices, labels, signs or adverts. If it is an email or text message, check who is writing it and to whom. Part 1 takes about 10 minutes. Questions 1-5 Look at the text in each question and underline important words as in the example. Choose the alternative A, B or C which matches the text. Mark the correct letter A, B or C on your answer sheet. Example (0) Change of Timetable: sports Centre gym open on new Year s day. Work off those unwanted calories. From 10 am to 3 pm Bring a towel. 1. Answer: 2. Jo has to meet his friends if he wants to help buy the present for Jack. B) Jo can still contribute to the present even if he doesn t go with his friends. C) The meeting place is outside the school on Thursday at 2. Mrs Cook was cross with Jake for not coming to the lesson. B) Josh tried to come to the lesson. C) Josh has a Maths test on Saturday which he wants help with. A) Dear Mrs. Cook, Sorry I couldn t come to the lesson, I had a flat tyre on the way. Could I come on Friday because I have a test the day after. 0 A B C A) Hi Jo, Sam and I are buying a present for Jack on Tuesday. Do you want to come? Meet us outside the school at 2 if you want to join us. If not, just give us £5 towards it. 12 The sports centre isn t usually open on New Year s Day. B) You can go to the gym for 6 hours. C) You must take a day-off work. A)