Practice Test 1 Paper 3 - SPEAKING There are four parts to this Speaking Test, which tests your language skills in a variety of different situations and lasts 10-12 minutes. One of the examiners talks to you, while the other only listens. Remember you do this with a partner. Occasionally there are three candidates together if there is an uneven number of students taking the exam. ADVICE Don t worry about this part of the test. It is for you to enjoy speaking English and not to find out what you don t know. Be interested in what your partner is saying too so that you can react spontaneously. Be a positive participant it will help you to forget that you are taking an exam! Never speak in your own language during the test. Always use English if you need to ask or explain anything to the examiner or your partner. Find time to practice the test with a partner before the exam. Don t forget that the Speaking Part of the exam is just as important as the other parts even if it is shorter. Part 1 Introductions and personal information. (2-3 minutes) Examiner + Student A and Student B ADVICE If you don t understand or hear a question very well, don t be afraid to ask the examiner to repeat it, people do that all the time in normal situations. Always say more than just Yes or No when you answer a question. Try and give reasons and examples for your answers. The questions could be about past, present or future, so think about your tenses. Always listen to the question, the tense the examiner uses is the one you need for the answer! Remember to smile and be pleasant the examiners will appreciate this. Try and interact with your partner and react naturally to both him or her and the examiner. 31