Practice Test 3 Part 2 Paper 3 - SPEAKING (2-3 minutes) Camping Holiday PART TWo: sPeAking TesT i m going to describe a situation to you. You and your friend are going on a week s camping holiday with the school. You are only allowed to take a small rucksack with you apart from the basic equipment. Decide which two things are the most important to take with you. Here is a picture with some ideas to help you. (see p. 103) All right? Talk together. Part 3 (1 min. each candidate) Having fun with others now i d like each of you to talk on your own about something. i m going to give each of you a photograph of people having fun together. (see p. 104) Candidate A, here s your photograph. Please show it to your partner, but i d like you to talk about it. Candidate B, you just listen, i ll give you your photograph in a moment. Please tell us what you can see in your photograph. Thank you. now, Candidate B, here s your photograph. it also shows people travelling. Please show it to Candidate A and tell us what you can see in the photograph. Thank you. Part 4 (3 minutes) Having fun with friends and family Your photos showed people having fun together. Now I d like you to talk together about how and where you like to have fun with your friends and how and where you celebrate with your family. ThAnk YoU! ThAT s The end oF The TesT 75