E 2 VOCABULARY Behaviourism is a ........ theory. D f. 1. philosophy 1. learning O a. Pedagogy is the ... and art of teaching. 2. psychology 2. psychological M U L Complete each sentence with the correct alternative. 3. science 3. contemporary g. The organization of information in the b. A toddler is a child who .... 1. can already walk. 2. can t walk. 3. is learning to walk. mind is called .... c. A child is a human being .... 1. who is not an adult. 2. between birth and puberty. 3. who is not yet a teenager. 1. a mind map. 2. schemata. 3. permanent memory. h. Self-actualization means to .... d. Acquire is a synonym for .... i. 1. realize one s deepest qualities. 2. look at things as they are really like. 3. Say what we really mean. A dogma is a ... belief. 1. learn. 1. religious 2. teach. 2. political 3. study. 3. strong e. A pragmatic approach is a ... approach. j. Mood is a synonym for .... 1. theoretical 1. way. 2. natural 2. manner. 3. practical 3. feeling. Find 4 types of class activities. 78 L C O O P E R A T I A L E O L C A S E S T U D Y S D I S C U S S I O N E O R O L E P L A Y I N G N S N L E S S T U D A N