U N I T 2 ROBOTICS In this Unit we will talk about a new b ranch of Computer Science, Robotics, and you will read about robots, their characteristics, uses and possible future developments. A. WHAT IS A ROBOT? 1 Go through the four paragraphs and label them choosing from the list below. Par. 1: a. Real and fictional robots Par. 2: b. Future developments Par. 3: c. A new branch of computer science Par. 4: d. Origins and meaning of the term robot Par. 1 An area of computer science that has found wide practical use is robotics, the design and development of computer controlled mechanical devices that are programmed to move, manipulate objects and interact with the environment. Par. 2 The term robot comes from the Czech word robota, generally translated as forced labour . This definition describes the majority of robots fairly well. Most robots in the world are designed for heavy, repetitive manufacturing work. They handle tasks that are difficult, dangerous or boring to human beings. Robots are also employed where requirements of speed, precision, cleanliness exceed what humans can accomplish. Par. 3 The robots of the movies, such as C-3PO and the Terminator, are portrayed as fantastic, intelligent, even dangerous forms of artificial life. However, robots of today are not exactly the walking, talking intelligent machines of movies, stories and our dreams. Today, we find most robots working for people in factories, warehouses, and laboratories in the form of robotic arms. Par. 4 In the future, robots may show up in other places: our schools, our homes, even our bodies. Robots have the potential to change economy, health conditions and life standards. As the technology progresses, we are finding new ways to use robots. Each new use brings new hopes and possibilities, but also potential dangers and risks. 232