Week 1 Travelling V ocabulary 8a Completa il cruciverba scrivendo le parole che qui di seguito trovi anagrammate in corrispondenza delle definizioni. 1 A flight from one point to another within the same country. TOCIDEMS 2 A flight that continues all night. EREDYE 3 To get on a plane. DABOR 4 The moving belt that you collect your bags from at an airport LASOUCER 5 The pilot and the people who are responsible for flying a plane. CRAIWER 6 The road the plane takes off from. WUNARY 7 The airport building where the journeys begin and end. TIMERLAN 8 Long passage between rows of seats in a plane. SILAE 9 Part of the plane where goods and luggage are stored. LOHD 10 It is the part of the airport where you wait for your flight. GELUNO 2 1 D O M 3 4 6 E S 7 T 5 8 9 I C 10 8b Scrivi ora una frase per ciascuna delle parole che hai trovato. Ex.: 1 DOMESTIC: You take a domestic flight if you go from Turin to Rome. 11