Table Topic of contents Functions Vocabulary Grammar Week 1 Talking about habits and Holidays, means of Present tenses of verbs Week 2 Talking about past events; Cities, parks, monuments Past Simple of regular and Week 3 Talking about activities in Sports and physical Past continuous of verbs; Week 4 Talking about abilities, Computers, the Internet, Modal verbs: can/could, Week 5 Talking about present Music, singers, groups. Present Perfect of verbs; Week 6 Talking about future School, jobs, careers. Future with will, to be Week 7 Expressing hypotheses Environment, animals in Conditional; if-clauses 2nd Week 8 Describing feelings and Teenagers; moods and Passive forms (Present Travelling Greetings from the U.S. Do you like sports? Computer Science Music and singers (and All That Jazz) Education and jobs Let s go green! Relationships about actions taking place now. Describing places. progress in the past; Describing habits in the past. obligations, plans; Asking for and giving advice; Expressing probability. states and actions which started in the past. events; Expressing plans for the future. and probability; Making offers, expressing wishes. emotions; Reporting what people say. transport, travelling. and attractions; famous people. activities. social networks, ebooks. danger; voluntary work; ethical shopping. states of mind; relationships with family and friends. (Present Simple and Present Continuous). irregular verbs. Past Simple vs. Past Continuous; used to. may/might, shall/should, must, ought to; verbs substituting modals: to have to, to be able to, to be allowed to. Present Perfect vs Past Simple; Duration Form. going to, Present Continuous; if-clauses 1st type. type. Simple Passive, Past Simple Passive); Reported Speech; say/tell. Progetto e consulenza: Raffaele Polichetti Revisione linguistica: Annabel Pope Progetto grafico e Impaginazione: Essegi Revisione testi: Lunella Luzi Stampa: La Grafica, Boves (Cn) Tutti i diritti riservati Copyright © Edisco Editrice 10128 Torino Via Pastrengo, 28 Tel. Fax e-mail: Printed in Italy L editore è a disposizione degli aventi diritto con i quali non gli è stato possibile comunicare, nonché per eventuali involontarie omissioni e inesattezze nella citazione delle fonti dei brani, illustrazioni e fotografie riprodotti nel presente volume. Ristampa Fare un libro è un lavoro impegnativo e complesso; per quanta attenzione sia prestata alcune sviste possono restare: gli Autori saranno grati a chi le vorrà segnalare. 6 5 4 2 1 0