W riting 6 Leggi l articolo riguardante l enciclopedia online Wikipedia e coniuga i verbi tra parentesi tra cui alcuni modali al Present Simple o al Past Simple. Wikipedia is a multilingual, free Internet encyclopedia that the non-profit Wikimedia Foundation (0). (support). Its slogan is that anyone who (1) (access ) the site can edit almost any of its articles. Wikipedia (2) (begin) as a complementary project of Nupedia, another free online English language encyclopedia, founded in 2000. Its main figures were the Americans Jimmy Wales and Larry Sanger, who (3) (be able) to officially launch Wikipedia on January 15, 2001. Sanger (4) (invent) the name from the Hawaiian word wiki, meaning quick (but also a type of website that (5) (allow) users to create linked web pages) and pedia from the final part of the word encyclopedia. According to its creators, Wikipedia (6). (seek) to give a summary of all human knowledge, using volunteers all over the world who decide to write or modify its articles collaboratively. As a consequence of its open structure, Wikipedia (7) (not can) guarantee the validity of its contents and for this reason it is often cited for factual inaccuracy. The style and quality of individual articles (8) (may) also vary greatly and sometimes editors commit vandalism, adding false information or obscenities that are immediately removed. In spite of these limits, in 2006 Time magazine (9) (recognize) Wikipedia s participation in the rapid growth of online collaboration and the interaction of millions of people around the world, as well as that of You Tube and Facebook. At the present time, it is presented in 287 languages and every edition 10. (have) to follow different rules and guidelines that are intended to shape the content of the articles appropriately. supports (adapted from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wikipedia) USEFUL WORDS access = accesso; to edit = curare l edizione di un testo scritto; factual = che riguarda fatti; growth = crescita; inaccuracy = inesattezza; to seek = cercare; to shape = dare forma; to support = sostenere. 39