Week 1 Travelling One summer can change your world 1 Leggi questi testi e poi rispondi alle domande. i! This photo shows my family and I during our experience in H A frica, in Zambia, to be precise. It is a very beautiful country in the southern part of the A frican continent. The Zambezi River flows through it. Today we are starting a trip on this river, using canoes. I know it s hard to paddle for hours, but I m sure it will be worthwhile because we ll be able to admire the incredibly beautiful natural scenery around us. This is a responsible trip because we are using canoes to reduce energy consumption. We also have the chance of working as volunteers in a conservation area, taking part in animal protection walks that s what I m doing or assisting children with the vegetable garden at a local school that s what my parents are doing, in fact they re both teachers. I m having a great time here because we are in a lit tle group of friendly people. That s all for now, bye! Lawrie This year I m having a study holiday , but not the usual one when you attend a summer language course. I m in a terrific place, the island of San Salvador in the eastern Bahamas. I m here to study marine biology at Gerace Research Center. There are 12 boys and girls from different American and European countries and today we are really excited about our first dive together. Our days always start very early because we have to set up our air tanks and gear before breakfast. Then we travel by truck to the dive site. Our instructors have taught us that it is very important to plan dives carefully: today we are planning a descent to a depth of 9 feet. Swimming along the edges of the reef is fantastic: you can see forms of coral, colourful fish and lobsters. After lunch, we have lessons about ocean properties and how they affect marine life. In the afternoon we dive into the water again for snorkelling around the shallow reef. To finish our day, we have another lesson about the history and geography of San Salvador. Hi! My name s Dianna, I m a 15-year-old English girl. This summer I m having an adventure holiday discovering bushcraft. Do you know what it is? It is a sport where you have to survive in the wild, using only what you can find around 4 Ross