W riting 6 Per presentare i propri studi e le capacità acquisite, è necessario sapere scrivere un Curriculum Vitae. Leggi i suggerimenti qui sotto e seguendo le indicazioni, compila il tuo C.V. Tips for a good c.v. HOW TO WRITE A GOOD CURRICULUM VITAE 1 Be brief and clear; concentrate on the relevant aspects of your education and work using short sentences. 2 If your work experience is limited, describe your education first and underline your eventual training and / or volunteering activities. 3 If you are applying for a job, write about your qualities and skills according to the needs of the employer. 4 Pay attention to spelling and punctuation and do not forget to include a copy of your High School certificate or degree, language certifications and testimonials of employment, if any. 5 Write a cover letter to introduce your C.V. PERSONAL INFORMATION ame write your first name and surn name, post code, country et stre , ber write your house num number choose your contact phone . ress add enclose your e-mail e of birth, nationality write your gender (F/M), dat EDUCATION AND TRAINING high school certificate) your last qualification (degree, write the dates (from...to) and your school / university. write the name and place of jects give a list of the principal sub WORK / VOLUNTARY ACTIVITIES of work or voluntary activity write the dates and the type ation or write the name of the organiz ered person you worked or volunte for PERSONAL SKILLS mother-tongue language for English; other languages: y-First Certificate nar limi Pre eyity-K (Trin ns atio dent user; C1/2: language certific l (A1/2: basic user; B1/2: indepen leve the give or .) etc ch, Fren Delf A1/2, B1/2 for ) : proficient user: grammes you can use) computer skills (write the pro with children or adults) did some voluntary activities you if m the ut abo te (wri skills communication ma, theatre, etc.) other skills (sports, reading, cine USEFUL WORDS cover letter = lettera d accompagnamento; certificate = diploma; degree = laurea; mother-tongue = madre lingua; qualification = titolo di studio; skill = abilità; subject = materia scolastica; testimonial = referenza per un lavoro. 59