Week 7 Let s go green! All Hands on Deck! 1 Segui le frecce e scopri quale tipo di attività di volontariato ti è più congeniale. Yes Is a nature walk your ideal date? No TATION SERVING S do lots of You like to sks at the different ta and you same time your cool. never lose ative and You are cre eople. You good with p g and love plannin projects. completing rfect for You are pe public in a serving the p or even a charity sho n. soup kitche nd your CV e Best tip: s l charity to your loca e offer to giv shops and d! them a han 64 No Are you easily stressed out? Yes Yes Is it important to you to see fast results? No Do you like outdoor activities? Yes No Are you close to your grandparents? Yes No No Do you love being independent? Yes Do you mind getting your hands dirty? No Yes Are you creative? No Yes Yes Do you like watching videos about puppies and kittens? ANIMAL LOVER You are a warm pe rson who makes friends easily. In your group you re always ready to co mfort or cheer someone up when they are up set and you re not afraid to get your hands dirty if it makes somebod y else s life easier. Best tip: see if an yone needs a dog walke r and call up shelters an d stables. No FRIEND OF THE ELDER LY You like talk ing and telli ng funny sto think twice ries and yo about startin u don t g chats at th with old de e bus stop, ars. Patienc even e is one of yo Elderly peo ur strong p ple need co o ints. mpany and you d be th a friendly e e right pers ar, so on to listen Best tip: ke to their sto ep an eye ries. out for a lo call into yo n ely neighbo ur local nurs ur or ing home! the RRIOR You read . rs o o ECO WA td being ou open a You love hen you of w t rs fi age to do lots y d a re green p e u r net. e and yo e the pla v a magazin s lp e easy gs to h ycling are re. c re little thin d n a p litter ther Natu Picking u it for Mo b r u o y do ways to