Week 7 Let s go green! Speaking 5 Leggi il volantino che illustra le attività dell organizzazione ambientalista Clean Up the World ; poi, con tali informazioni e rispondendo alle domande qui sotto, prepara un breve discorso in cui spieghi quale attività di volontariato vorresti organizzare a favore dell ambiente. Clean Up the World Established for the first time in 1993 in Australia, Clean Up the World is an environmental campaign that encourages and promotes different types of communities around the world to clean up and conserve the environment. Several organizations provide assistance and support to Clean Up the World ; among others, is the United Nations Environment Programme. Clean Up the World focuses public attention on how each individual can make a positive contribution to a cleaner and healthier world. The most important event is Clean Up the World Weekend , held on the third weekend in September every year. Groups, organizations, schools and businesses from communities around the world join up on this date to take action at a local level and to report what they have done during the year. Clean Up the World encourages participants to plan an activity such as cleaning up parks or beaches, recycling, tree planting, education campaigns and exhibitions. Plan a Clean Up the World activity 1 If you decided to plan a voluntary activity, who would you like to do it with? (school mates, friends, parents or relatives, etc.) 2 What type of activity would you choose and why? (cleaning up, recycling, tree planting, etc.) 3 Who would you ask for support to buy any objects or materials you need? 4 Where would you think of planning the activity? 5 Would you need a single event or several over a period of time? 6 Would you have to inform any local institutions about your activity? Are there any regulations you would have to respect before starting your project? 7 How would you inform people of the results? USEFUL WORDS to clean up = pulire; exhibition = mostra; healthy = sano; to join = unirsi; to provide = fornire; support = sostegno. 68