Explanations and changes BEFORE READING 4 Chapter 1 Decide if the following sentences are explanations (E) or changes (C), and then say if you think they are probable (P), improbable (I) or impossible (X). a. Darcy tells Lizzie that it was Bingley s sister that separated E P him from Jane. b. Darcy proposes to Lizzie again and she accepts. c. Darcy tells Lizzie about his relationship with Wickham. d. Lizzie reports what has happened at Hunsford to Jane. e. Lydia leaves for Brighton with some officers. f. Lizzie leaves for a trip with her uncle and aunt. g. Lizzie meets Darcy again. h. Lizzie talks to Georgiana about her brother s character. i. Mr Bennet leaves the family forever. 2 Answer these questions briefly according to your idea of what will happen in this chapter. a. Is Lizzie going to reconsider Darcy s proposal? .............................................. b. Will Charlotte go to Longbourn with Lizzie? .................................................. c. Is Jane going to stay in London? .............................................................................. d. Will Lizzie change her mind about Darcy? ........................................................ e. Are Lydia and Kitty going to be happy when the regiment leaves? .................................................................. f. Is anyone going to leave on a trip? ......................................................................... g. Will anyone else get married? .................................................................................. h. Will Lizzie meet Darcy again? ................................................................................... 3 Write a short sentence about what you think will happen to these characters in this chapter. Lizzie: ............................................................................................................................................. Darcy: ............................................................................................................................................ Jane: ................................................................................................................................................ Bingley: .......................................................................................................................................... Lydia: .............................................................................................................................................. 54