Imprisoned with the Pharaohs BEFORE READING 5 Story 1 Answer the following questions by ticking the correct option. a. Where did the Egyptians live? North Africa East Asia Central Europe North America b. What was their sacred river? The Thames The Tiber The Nile The Ganges c. Who ruled the Egyptians? The Knig The Rex The Pharaoh The Khan d. Which animals were sacred to the Egyptians? (Tick more than one) crocodile wolf ibis hippopotamus cat horse scarab lion e. Which old monuments can you still see in Egypt? (Tick more than one) Pyramid Circus Sphinx Labyrinth Temple 2 Find in column B the opposites of the words in column A. a. familiar b. clear c. quiet d. centre e. sunset f. middle g. lift h. open 1. dawn 2. edge 3. close 4. descend 5. strange 6. mysterious 7. suburb 8. noisy 3 Complete the sentences choosing the appropriate word from the following. completely courage doctors experience fell stronger suddenly trick a. For a man of my ........................, it was easy to get free from the ropes. b. I was ............................... covered by the rope. c. This fact gave me new ............................ to take action. d. The current of air became ........................ and more detestable. e. I ............................. down some black stone stairs. f. The ..................... said my wounds were the consequence of the ropes. g. ............................... my attention was caught by strange sounds. h. It was the ............................... I used to stop nightmares. 68