Donatella Bottero Viola Invernizzi Veronica Polichetti Nadia Sanità Shades and Shapes Shades and Shapes is designed for students who have already taken an elementary English course and study in the field of Visual Arts. The wide range of materials in this book aims to provide an insight into the typical topics students meet in their studies at different levels of the CEFR (from B1 up to B2). English for the Visual Arts, Design and Architecture Shades and Shapes is planned to: Shades and Shapes consists of 6 Modules organised in three sections: 1. Content-based section. It is arranged in Units divided into various, brief Chapters with texts and activities related to the main curricular subjects. 2. Revision and Practice. It focuses on thematic vocabulary, recurrent language structures and the four skills. 3. CLIL. Different topics, related to curricular subjects (History, Literature, Philosophy, Maths, Chemistry, Physics), are explored through a Content and Language Integrated Learning approach. NLINE RESOURCES Shades and Shapes strengthen cognitive skills necessary for general and detailed comprehension of subject-related texts; develop and practise receptive and productive skills; widen students vocabulary; consolidate and deepen knowledge of useful grammar structures; arouse students interest in topic-related issues and actively involve them. Teacher s Guide mp3 audio file Further Activities EDIZIONE MISTA + LIBRO DIGITALE